I'm really not into "New Year's Resolutions" but I need to set goals for me and my family. So here goes...
1. First and foremost, I want to spend time in God's word daily. This is going to mean waking up earlier, but it will be so worth it! I need His daily guidance to get me through my day.
2. Become healthier. Not only for myself, but for my family. This includes me losing weight. I know, I just had a baby, but I don't want that to be my excuse when he is a year old. I have become so lazy when it comes to making sure my kids are eating health. No more fast food for a long time. If you have any recipes you would like to share, I'm all ears.
3. Get us on a budget! We have tried several times but to no avail. Christmas this year really snuck up on us. We were still shopping the week of and it all went on the credit card. BOO! So now we have to work extra hard to get things back in order. Oh, and it doesn't help that the IRS still hasn't sent us our refund for 2009!!! Yeah too bad we can't assess penalties and interest to them!
4. Start a support group for young moms. God laid it on my heart in 2010. I have been that young mom that didn't feel like I really belonged anywhere. Everyone my age was single or just married and without kids. They didn't understand that I couldn't be out until morning. I've already kind of started this one. I'm in contact with a couple of ladies that are ready to meet with me. Just have to make the time. If you know of anyone that would like to check out our group, let me know. I want these ladies to know that they are not alone. God has placed these precious children in their lives to save them.
5. Get organized!! If you know me, you completely understand this one. So we went from a 1600 sq ft house to a 3500 sq ft house. I should have plenty of room for everything to have a place. WRONG. I just have more places for things to not have a place. If that makes any sense? We still have boxes that need to be unpacked or given away. The kids have a great playroom, but there is little room to play.
6. Get some pictures hung on the walls. The walls are pretty bare in the new house. I started taking down the Christmas decorations and realized that we have absolutely nothing decorated. I'm looking for someone that wants to help me. I'm really not the decorating type. I just want me house to look put together.
I'm sure there is more, but I need to get to bed so I can get up early. I have goals to work on.
I love decorating and also really want to see your new house. Just keep waiting for an invitation...still waiting...waiting...waiting...
I love decorating too...and I"ll be home in February. AS for cooking - check out the cookbook by Jerry Seinfeld's wife...Deceptively Delicious.
Don't leave Flylady behind. I know if you just start one thing a day, you will be amazed.
Glad to see you have goals to shoot for. Everyone needs goals to stay focused. I am proud of you for setting them.
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