Thursday, August 17, 2006

More Pics at the Lake

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A New Schedule

So we have decided that daycare is just way too expensive! My boss has agreed to let me work from home two days a week. This will save us $60 a week!! It is taking a little bit of adjusting for all of us. Hailey and Clay are doing pretty well so far. This is the first week. I feel I am getting more accomplished being home. I don't have as many distractions. Pray for us to get the kinks worked out. It always takes a little bit to get settled. I'm having to move things around to make my desk at home work for me.

That's not the only change! Bill will be going on nights starting Sunday. We always seem to struggle when he is away. Please pray for the kids to be okay with it. Hailey seems to act up when he isn't here. We were originally told it would only be 2 months, but now we are hearing it might be as long as 5 months. Hopefully, it will go by quickly!


Our parents have been taking a yearly vacation to the Lake of the Ozarks for a few summers now. Well, they fell in love with the lake. In April or May they bought a house right on the lake. It's beautiful! We all went down last week and spent the week on the lake. As you can see in the pictures, I was having to much fun enjoying myself. I didn't take enough pictures. There is an animal preserve near the house. They take just about any animal that needs a home. They have everything from ponies to camels, lamas, even a zebra! They are all pretty much domesticated. We fed them carrots right out of our hands. Our friends the Corbetts were also there in a house just down the road. We went over one night for dinner. We had heard this rumor about a pet deer that roamed the area. (Doug said he had seen it, but we thought he was seeing things!) We were out on the water at Corbetts and this deer came right up too us. The story goes that he was abandoned in that area as a fawn. Some people found him and put a bright orange collar on him. They wanted to make sure he didn't become anyone's dinner. It was really amazing. I have never been that close to a live wild animal. He let us pet him and fed him.

Our vacation was great! We can't wait til the next time we are able to return. CJ & Angela, you two were missed. Every time we turned around it seemed like we were saying, "I wish CJ & Ang were here."


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