Wednesday, April 20, 2011

JP is 9 months!

Where does the time go? I really can't believe we are already at the 9 month mark. Jonathan started daycare a couple weeks ago. And 2 days in he came down with the first of many colds. Well, he was nice enough to share it with me. So JP and I have boggers everywhere. He has them coming out of his eyes and his nose. They are dry and crusted to his poor little nose. I finally broke down and took us to the Dr on Monday. I was first, I have a sinus infection, infected throat, and an ear infection. Fun stuff, NOT! JP was next, He has a sinus infection and double ear infection. Poor thing. I can only imagine how he feels. He has been so cranky lately. Sometimes I wish we as adults could just cry and complain how horrible we feel. Babies do it. Yesterday my amazing mom watched all 3 kids. Hailey and Clay are on Easter Break. Jonathan cried pretty much all day and yet she still made time to make cupcakes with Hailey. She is amamzing! I would have told Hailey maybe another day.

Today I woke up with no voice and my throat is killing me. I can't even swallow without being in pain. I know I need to go to work, but I really don't want to. The things we have to do to live the lifestyle we want to live....

1 comment:

SNOBBYGIRL128 said...

Youre mom is amazing!! Stay home!