Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Morning of the play

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Praying for a white Christmas!

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Playing Hookie from work

Bill and I took the kids and dog up to play in the snow! What fun we had! The kids and Bella loved it!
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Let it snow!!

This is what we woke up to Tuesday morning. Snow in Las Vegas!! Maybe we'll have a white Christmas yet!
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More Pics of the party

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Hailey's 5th Birthday

Our tea pot cake! Courtesy of Jacquie Alford! Thank you!

Hailey had a Princess Tea party for her birthday this year! We had lots of fun. A special thanks to everyone that helped me make it a huge success. Lori, thank you for letting us use your house. Holly and Angela, thank you for doing make-up and nails. The girls loved it. Jacquie, I can't thank you enough for the beautiful cake!
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Candy Cane Lane

Hailey & Clayton were both in our Christmas play at school this year. Clay was a sheepard and Hailey was a cheerleader. Thanks to help from Grandma Janie and a few others I was able to sew her a real cheerleading uniform!
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Sunday, December 03, 2006

Bye Grandpa!

While we were having a farwell send off for Boyd 12/1/06 Michelle came running down the hallway yelling, " I lost my tooth." Of course Hailey was right there thru the whole thing wondering why everyone was getting so excited about Michelle loosing a tooth. Can you imagine what was going thru her mind. Anyway I told Michelle she is going to have to put this under her pillow for the tooth fairy and the tooth fairy leaves money for the tooth. Hailey said, " you have got to be kidding" She couldn't believe that you could get money for losing teeth! It was a great night, alot of fun and excitment. (Lori)